Thomas R. Phillips, Ph.D.


Dr. Phillips

As of March 1, 2016, Dr. Phillips will be practicing at 2734 N. Hills Dr. NE, Atlanta, GA 30305-3421.

His new phone number will be 404.721.0797.

His new fax number is 404-953-7517.

He may be contacted at

I help my counseling clients realize their relationship hopes and fulfill their potential on the work side of life – career, school, creative ambitions.

Having practiced in our community for nearly 30 years, I know that the details of the troubles clients bring to our work vary greatly:  anxiety, social and sexual worries or fears, depression, addictive behaviors, school or job underperformance, life-management challenges, relationship and family conflicts, and so on.  Whatever the symptoms, what does not vary is the wish of the person to find happiness in love and work in all their dimensions. 

That wish is my focus and my commitment in the collaborative work of counseling. 

If you'd like to explore the possibility of working with me on your personal goals, please learn more about my practice here and at my web site.  

If you prefer, you are welcome to call me at our office number, and I will be happy to spend some time discussing your goals, my approach to the work, and the possibility of a good therapeutic match.  That would also allow you to get a bit of a sense of our chemistry and whether our collaboration would be right for you.

A significant portion of my practice involves psychological assessment (testing) and consultation with small businesses, organizations, schools, and other psychotherapists or medical doctors.  Through this aspect of my practice, I may help clients choose outstanding employees, solve workplace problems, remove performance barriers in school and work, understand their patients, students or clients better, and improve their organizational performance.




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